I applied for the PPP loan, was approved & got nothing! One small business’ story; click for details!
The preview screener of my film passed 21,000 views on YouTube this morning! Please keep sharing friends, TY!
#ZombieApocalypse Day 48: I’m taking the day off & not asking my boys for anything all day! A poem, of sorts.
A reader asked why I was sharing about canned food we are eating today (why were were eating canned food at all)….
With today’s grocery delivery I will [for the first time in my life] have a full two weeks of food on hand (for my family of five.)
How the Zombie Apocalypse impacted our life: My son’s special needs *urgent* dentist appointment was cancelled!
I thought y’all might also find this interesting… “How CoViD 19 panic onset has impacted my website traffic…”