Pura Kiki Insulated Baby Bottle: the most egregious example of a “green-branded” bottle with unsafe levels of Lead.
Vintage Clear Ball Brand Canning Jar: 46 ppm Lead + Cadmium. Please read this post for more information!
1972 Handmade Christmas Mug / Teacup: 90,900 ppm Lead + 9,617 ppm Cadmium Too! [90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.]
Blue Ball brand canning jar: 53 ppm Lead + 13 ppm Cadmium (safe by all standards.) I avoid the tinted jars.
Vintage Glazed Ceramic Fondue Pot: 255,700 ppm Lead on the interior glaze!!!! Vintage Fondue pots should never be used for food use purposes.
Vintage Metal Fondue Pot with Orange and Cream Colored Enamel: 15,300 ppm Cadmium (a known carcinogen.)