Plastic Vintage “Grumpy” Plastic Disney Mug: 449 ppm Lead (90 ppm Lead is considered unsafe for kids.)
#LeadSafe: Crock Pot brand glazed ceramic liner: 42 ppm Lead (safe by all standards…but still not something I recommend.)
Corningware c. 1996-1998 “Summer Blush” Square Casserole Dish with Pansies: 15,500 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.
1953 Cricket Records “Jolly Tunes”: Cadmium (Cd): 192 ppm, Mercury (Hg): 22 ppm! Do you have vintage vinyl at home?
Vintage Princess House Clear Glass Mug: Lead-Free! (UPDATE: Princess House also sold *Leaded* items – so be careful!)
Vintage Fisher Price Merry_Go_Round Toy: 4,897 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe) + 391 ppm Arsenic. Click to learn more.