#AskTamara: Is there Lead paint on the outside of my “Jervis & George” reusable glass baby food container?
#AskTamara: Q. Is there lead in my vintage sex toys? Answer. Maybe. This one has 8,109 ppm Lead + Cadmium – 18 ppm
#AskTamara: Q. Could A Vintage Leaded Brass Mouthpiece Cause Kidney Failure In A Trumpet Player? A. Maybe
XRF Test Results For Cardew Design Made in China (Designed In England) Wizard of Oz Commemorative Mug Set
#AskTamara: Do modern Halloween masks have Lead? Does my Halloween gorilla mask have any toxic chemicals?
Click to read the full XRF test results for Stockmar beeswax crayons (testing for Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, etc.)