White Dishes

Vintage Syracuse plain white ceramic dish, “Carefree” Serene pattern: 30,600 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.

Vintage Syracuse plain white ceramic dish, “Carefree” Serene pattern: 30,600 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.

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When tested with an XRF instrument this simple white Serene pattern Carefree True China (Made in the USA by Syracuse) had the following reading: Lead: 30,600 ppm For context: the amount of Lead that is considered illegal and unsafe in a modern item made today and intended for use by children is anything 90 ppm…

Newer white Fiestaware dishes (c. 2016): 33 ppm Lead. This is considered safe by all standards.

Newer white Fiestaware dishes (c. 2016): 33 ppm Lead. This is considered safe by all standards.

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“Lead Free” Fiestaware small white ceramic plate: 33 ppm Lead. Almost Lead-free / but not quite! The company probably did leach testing and it did not leach any lead. I would feel safe eating off of these plates if I visited your home, but would not choose to own them personally. Tested with an XRF The…