Walmart Holiday Time plug-in Christmas Lights: Lead-free! (8,188 ppm Antimony — a fire retardant & known carcinogen)
Please click and read for more info! Walmart Holiday Time LED Christmas Lights With Green Wire: Lead Free!!! #Yay!
Walmart Expert Gardener Light Duty Garden Hose New (2017), Made In USA: 52 ppm Lead. Safe by all standards.
Walmart Jelly Shoes DO NOT HAVE LEAD [Says an expert (on Lead in consumer goods) who has personally tested them!]
Brass Walmart hose nozzle (2017): 39,500 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe & illegal in items intended for use by kids.
#AskTamara – Question: Do Walmart jelly shoes have Lead? & if not, why do people think they do? [Video]