
Why I am not yet vaccinated… and when I plan to get vaccinated.

Why I am not yet vaccinated… and when I plan to get vaccinated.

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July 31, 2021 – Sunday With practically every media outlet and news story focusing on the urgency of getting a larger percentage of people vaccinated, I felt that sharing my own story might be helpful for some; I am writing specifically to share with folks that within the worrisome overall statistic of slowing/plateauing vaccination rates across…

“Measles Epidemic 2019”: A perspective from the front lines, by a Portland, Oregon mother of unvaccinated children.

“Measles Epidemic 2019”: A perspective from the front lines, by a Portland, Oregon mother of unvaccinated children.

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Hello! To start let’s clarify what this post  is not about: This is not an anti-vax post. This is not a pro-vax post. This is not a post about vaccines. This is not a post about the measles. “What is it then?” – you ask. This is a post about misinformation and the news media…

Portland Tribune Article Today: Vaccine Choice

Portland Tribune Article Today: Vaccine Choice

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This article (linked below) was written by a friend of mine about a family we took into our home for several months last year (after their baby was illegally taken from them in the hospital.) This.Is.Personal. & children are NOT being protected by these illegal, yet (ostensibly) government sanctioned actions. Said another way; children are…

My Take on the “V” Word

My Take on the “V” Word

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