Urban Chickens

Read this post to learn what I have done at my home to make sure my urban yard and garden are Lead-safe!

Read this post to learn what I have done at my home to make sure my urban yard and garden are Lead-safe!

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Posted here: February 26, 2017 Updated: April 26, 2020 I took this picture of our back yard years ago and realized that every element in the photos had a “Lead story”  – so I thought it would be fun to annotate it and share it with you all, in case it could help you come up with some new ideas…

From 2012, New York Times: High Lead Found in City-Sourced Eggs

From 2012, New York Times: High Lead Found in City-Sourced Eggs

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This is an article I was interviewed for back in 2012. Click on the image below for the full PDF of this article from 2012. Click HERE to see the original article on the New York Times website.