Just like Primal Life Organics, and Earthpaste, VanMan’s Miracle Toothpowder also tests positive for unsafe levels of toxic metals. This is not illegal.
Certificate of Analysis (undated) for Lone Star Botanicals Bentonite Clay – provided by Primal Life Organics to customers confirms Lead levels found by Lead Safe Mama, LLC.
Primal Life Organics tells some customers that the clay used in their Dirty Mouth Toothpowder has Lead and tells others it is certified Lead-free.
As anticipated, Primal Life Organic’s legal team sent me a “cease and desist” letter. Here’s their letter and my response.
The Nurse who owns PrimalLife sent me an email threatening legal action, in which she demonstrated a clear misunderstanding of math and science.
Primal Life Dirty Mouth Toothpowder: Positive for 7,000 ppb Lead and 18,000 ppb Cadmium (Cadmium causes cancer and is considered toxic when ingested) at levels in the 100 ppb range & up
SunStar G•U•M Stimulator: Non-detect for Lead, Mercury, Arsenic & Antimony. Positive for trace Cadmium (at safe levels.)
Tamara’s gold tooth crown (c. 2010, replaced in 2016): non-detect for Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Antimony & Arsenic. Thank G-d!