Stats Map

Lead Safe Mama Site Stats Update: Just passed 4,300,000 unique all-time views!

Lead Safe Mama Site Stats Update: Just passed 4,300,000 unique all-time views!

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… and it looks like we’ll definitely make it to 4,500,000 unique all-time views by New Year’s Eve 2019! At the rate November 2019 is going, I actually expect to close out the month of November with just about 4,400,000, which may actually bring us closer to 4,600,000 unique all-time views by New Year’s Eve!…

Lead Safe Mama Site Stats Update: November 10, 2019 – 1,603,065 unique readers in the past 12 months alone!

Lead Safe Mama Site Stats Update: November 10, 2019 – 1,603,065 unique readers in the past 12 months alone!

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Here are some of the latest Lead Safe Mama stats – pretty amazing (the number of people we are reaching together with this message!) Thank you for being here and for sharing this work and making this impact possible! Please scroll down to see all the images including: Map of the globe showing where Lead…

The top 250 cities around the world where people are reading the Lead Safe Mama site in 2019

The top 250 cities around the world where people are reading the Lead Safe Mama site in 2019

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Scroll down to see the top 250 cities around the world where the #LeadSafeMama website is read (the full list is over 19,200 cities!), with the number of people in that city who have been reading the site since January 1, 2019. I just find these lists from Google Analytics absolutely fascinating! Check out number…

#LeadSafeMama Year to Date Stats: Which “213 countries” are people reading your website from?

#LeadSafeMama Year to Date Stats: Which “213 countries” are people reading your website from?

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Yesterday I posted a picture of a map (see link here) that is a screenshot from Google Analytics showing the “213 countries” where people read my site from. Since sharing that post, a few folks have asked, “Which countries are those anyway?” along with some variation of  “Does that include ___________?” (with ______ being a country…

#LeadSafeMama Year To Date Stats: 1,906,321 page-views by 1,170,342 readers in 213 “countries” so far this year!

#LeadSafeMama Year To Date Stats: 1,906,321 page-views by 1,170,342 readers in 213 “countries” so far this year!

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Final stats post for the moment… this one is the most fun (in my opinion!) For those who have as much fun as I do following my website and social media stats, here are my stats for this entire year to date! I’m sharing these stats along with a map (a screenshot from Google Analytics,…

Top # of opens of my newsletter today: USA, Canada, Romania, Saudi Arabia and Switzerland

Top # of opens of my newsletter today: USA, Canada, Romania, Saudi Arabia and Switzerland

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Just for fun, here’s what MailChimp says are the top locations (by number of opens) where my newsletter was read today. I’ll never get over this stuff! I want to meet the people in Saudi Arabia and Romania who are reading my blog and newsletter (of course Switzerland, Canada and USA too – I want…