XRF Test Results for Royal Albert Old Country Roses Pattern Bone China (©1962 — Made in England) Dish
Made in USA Pfaltzgraff floral print (vintage tea rose pattern) creme-glazed ceramic dish: As high as 3,711 ppm Lead on the food surface (90 ppm and up is unsafe for kids)
Floral design / rose print vintage porcelain dinner plate: 4,918 ppm Lead on the center of the food surface (90 ppm & up is unsafe for kids.)
How much Lead can you buy for $6.99 at Hobby Lobby? Ceramic red rose cabinet knob / drawer pull: 1,387 ppm Lead, 11 ppm Cadmium.
1983 Made in England Royal Worcester Fine Bone China “Royal Garden Elgar”: 59,200 ppm Lead on the food surface (90 ppm & up is unsafe for kids).
Tonquin Royal Staffordshire Dinnerware (with brown floral pattern) by Clarice Cliff: 48,100 ppm Lead (90 ppm & up is unsafe for kids).