Renaissance Festival

The story of the mermaid necklace that my son Charlie just “had to have”: 45,100 ppm Lead (Renaissance Faire Find.)

The story of the mermaid necklace that my son Charlie just “had to have”: 45,100 ppm Lead (Renaissance Faire Find.)

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This summer my friend Katie gave us free tickets to go the Oregon Renaissance Festival (what a treat – we never had gone in our 17+ years of living in Oregon!) My 11-year-old son had scrimped and saved, and brought all his savings – $15.00 in spending money with him – hoping to find a…

Replica “piece of eight” bought at 2019 Oregon Renaissance Faire: 1,497 ppm Antimony-a known carcinogen. NOT A TOY!

Replica “piece of eight” bought at 2019 Oregon Renaissance Faire: 1,497 ppm Antimony-a known carcinogen. NOT A TOY!

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When tested with an XRF instrument the copy / replica / “toy” “Pieces of Eight” coin pictured here (an item which was purchased at the Oregon Renaissance Festival / Faire in the summer of 2019) had the following readings: Chromium (Cr): 204 +/- 127 ppm Antimony (Sb): 1,497 +/- 213 ppm Zinc (Zn): 985,300 +/-…