How much Lead can you buy for $6.99 at Hobby Lobby? Ceramic red rose cabinet knob / drawer pull: 1,387 ppm Lead, 11 ppm Cadmium.
Red Waechtersbach German Nesting Bowl: 107,500 ppm Lead + 20,600 ppm Cadmium. 90 ppm Lead (& up) is unsafe for kids.
Red Waechtersbach German Nesting Bowl, Purchased at Williams Sonoma c. 2009: 40,100 ppm Lead & 3,506 ppm Cadmium.
Red Vintage Pyrex Food Storage Container With lid: 310,000 ppm Lead + 14,200 ppm Arsenic + 33,200 ppm Cadmium
Le Creuset Red & Creme Colored Ceramic Mixing Bowl: 40,700 ppm Lead. [For context, 90 ppm is unsafe for children’s items.]
The exterior enamel on this Le Creuset kettle was positive for 9,163 ppm Cadmium. Cadmium is a known carcinogen.
How worn is your vintage Pyrex? Even with very worn paint, this piece is still positive for a high level of Lead (Pb) at 23,000 ppm.