My friend Carissa wrote our Oregon Representative & Senator about my son Avi’s Lead testing of his school’s fountains.
My name is Avi Rubin. I’m 14. I was lead poisoned as a baby in 2005. Today (in 2019) my school is poisoning my friends.
Dear School Administrator, You are an ASSHAT for dismissing my son’s very real life-threatening medical condition.
My response to the school Vice Principal this evening. (Warning: I’m MAD! This is my kids [& their friends] we’re talking about.)
Portland Public Schools is simply NOT using the strictest standards nor best practices to protect your children from lead in schools: A series — Part 1: Post Lead-remediation construction dust found at Lewis Elementary School
I asked for help with my disabled children and the special education program administrator called me “Crazy”.
#AskTamara: I’m concerned that contractors at my Portland, Oregon elementary school are not using lead safe work practices. What should I do?
December 2014 Letter to the Portland Public Schools Special Education Representative in response to PPS not offering FAPE to our disabled child.