PET Plastic

Plastic Jar for “365” Whole Foods Brand Almond Butter: 195 ppm Antimony

Plastic Jar for “365” Whole Foods Brand Almond Butter: 195 ppm Antimony

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This post is a companion post to several other pieces published earlier. For background and context, please read the two other posts. The overall focus of these posts is that I advise avoiding purchasing nut-butters packaged in plastic jars. To see all of the related posts, click here. Below are the XRF test results for the…

Antimony (Sb) Found in Wild Harvest Organic Peanut Butter Spread Plastic Jar

Antimony (Sb) Found in Wild Harvest Organic Peanut Butter Spread Plastic Jar

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This post is a companion post to two other pieces published earlier. For background and context, please read the two other posts. Thank you. To see all of the related posts, click here. XRF Test Result (test duration, 180.6 seconds/3 minutes): Antimony (Sb): 35 +/- 18 ppm As always, please let me know if you…

Antimony (Sb) Found in Kirkland (Costco) Organic Peanut Butter Plastic Jars

Antimony (Sb) Found in Kirkland (Costco) Organic Peanut Butter Plastic Jars

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After publishing THIS POST (which has since unexpectedly gone viral!) simply recommending that folks not purchase peanut butter in plastic jars & instead purchase peanut butter in glass whenever possible, a lot of people responded with links and information either supporting or attempting to dismiss or refute my concerns. One of my readers posted several…