
The story of the mermaid necklace that my son Charlie just “had to have”: 45,100 ppm Lead (Renaissance Faire Find.)

The story of the mermaid necklace that my son Charlie just “had to have”: 45,100 ppm Lead (Renaissance Faire Find.)

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This summer my friend Katie gave us free tickets to go the Oregon Renaissance Festival (what a treat – we never had gone in our 17+ years of living in Oregon!) My 11-year-old son had scrimped and saved, and brought all his savings – $15.00 in spending money with him – hoping to find a…

Portland Tribune Article Today: Vaccine Choice

Portland Tribune Article Today: Vaccine Choice

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This article (linked below) was written by a friend of mine about a family we took into our home for several months last year (after their baby was illegally taken from them in the hospital.) This.Is.Personal. & children are NOT being protected by these illegal, yet (ostensibly) government sanctioned actions. Said another way; children are…

“The Kenton Lead Blob” ( Video ) Filmed in 2016

“The Kenton Lead Blob” ( Video ) Filmed in 2016

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For more information about this video and project, click here. This is a short (10-minute) video about lead contamination in a neighborhood in Portland, Oregon. The thing I personally like best about this video is how it captures the level of activity at my old office…all the drop-ins, the team of volunteers and helpers who…

Every Spring the City of Portland, Oregon water bill includes a warning notice about Lead in the water (a notice that no one ever seems to read.)

Every Spring the City of Portland, Oregon water bill includes a warning notice about Lead in the water (a notice that no one ever seems to read.)

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Published May 5, 2017 Updated: February 28, 2022 [Scroll to bottom for the Rubin Family current [February 2022] water bill.] Below are FOUR of my actual water bills from the City of Portland (colors and circles and arrows added by me for emphasis!). The first one is from when I originally published this post in May…