The CPSC issued a recall for the Lead painted baby bottles we discovered last year — but they only recalled 1 of 6 NUK Lead-painted designs
Simplified summary of Lead Safe Mama, LLC findings for Lead-painted glass baby bottles purchased on Amazon in 2021
Sailor themed glass NUK baby bottle (2021): BPA-Free and *only* 15,400 ppm Lead in the paint. 90 ppm Lead (& up ) is unsafe for kids.
Paper Airplane pattern glass NUK brand baby bottle purchased on Amazon in 2021: 14,600 ppm Lead in paint when 90 ppm Lead (& up ) is unsafe for kids
Lead painted Teal colored leaf pattern on glass NUK brand baby bottle purchased on Amazon, 2021: 14,000 ppm Lead, 90 ppm Lead (& up ) is unsafe for kids.
Yellow flower pattern glass Nuk baby bottle purchased on Amazon, 2021: 20,300 ppm Lead in the paint – 90 ppm Lead (& up ) is unsafe for kids
This Glass NUK baby bottle tested positive for 24,000 ppm Lead (causes brain damage – 90 ppm & up is unsafe), 290 ppm Cadmium (causes cancer) + 64 ppm MERCURY. Why are we allowing this?
Is your baby’s bottle painted with Lead Paint? This NUK glass baby bottle is. Made in Germany. Purchased in the U.S. on Amazon in 2021.
I just sent a letter to the German government asking for help with the issue of Lead Paint on NUK brand glass baby bottles.
I created a couple of graphics for people to share on Instagram and elsewhere about the NUK baby bottles with Lead.
Warning (Summer 2021): Stop using NUK brand glass baby bottles until further notice — Lead paint found in exterior decorations.
ANOTHER Lead-painted glass baby bottle – 2018 Nuk: 19,900 ppm Lead, 90 is unsafe. Why is the CPSC ignoring this?