Winter 2022 Disney / Bentex Children’s Clothing Lead Paint Recall (includes photos of all pieces recalled)
Walt Disney Y2K Filmmaker Mickey Mouse McDonald’s Drinking Glass: 1,261 Cadmium in the red paint. Cadmium causes cancer. Thanks, Disney!
Walt Disney Y2K Dancing Mickey Mouse McDonald’s Drinking Glass: 1,432 Cadmium in the red paint. Cadmium causes cancer. Thanks, Disney!
“Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down!” I wanted these so badly when I was little! 34,800 ppm Lead in the base (90 ppm Lead and up is unsafe for kids.)
Vintage (Y2K) Walt Disney World Mickey Mouse Animal Kingdom pressed glass drinking cup: 949 ppm Cadmium (causes cancer)
1981 Colorforms Mickey & Minnie Mouse Doctor and Nurse pre-school playset: As high as 2,300 ppm Lead (90 ppm is unsafe)
Walt Disney (Made in Japan) Mickey Mouse Figurine: 66,800 ppm Lead. 90 ppm Lead (& up) is unsafe for kids.
c. 1996 Mickey Mouse McDonald’s Disney World 25th Anniversary Glass: 73,300 ppm Lead + 1,855 ppm Cadmium
Pink Crystals In Minnie Mouse Bracelet Purchased in 2010 at Disneyland: 252,200 ppm Lead (That’s 25% Lead!)
M-I-C-K-E-Y… Mickey Mouse Anchor Hocking Disney Mug: 75,300 ppm Lead + 15,400 ppm Arsenic (90 ppm Pb is unsafe 4 kids!)