March 2020

How the Zombie Apocalypse impacted our life: My son’s special needs *urgent* dentist appointment was cancelled!

How the Zombie Apocalypse impacted our life: My son’s special needs *urgent* dentist appointment was cancelled!

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Click here to read some related posts! Tuesday, March 24, 2020 A little about Charlie… Charlie is my 11-year-old special needs kiddo. He was Lead-poisoned in utero, and also was exposed to Lead in house dust as an infant and toddler (in our 1905 urban home and neighborhood). Charlie has a lot of issues, but…

“How CoViD-19 panic has impacted…”  – continued, March 23, 2020 Update.

“How CoViD-19 panic has impacted…” – continued, March 23, 2020 Update.

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Click here to read my first post about this! #ZombieApocalypse Lead Safe Mama Update  Not too much to say here today – I just wanted to share an update with the stats graph from this afternoon (graph above, with larger image at the bottom of the post.) We’re down to lows of 2,500 to…

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse with three young kids at home – what we’re buying. #CoViD19PanicWeek

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse with three young kids at home – what we’re buying. #CoViD19PanicWeek

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Written: March 13, 2020 Updated: 2:03 p.m. – 3/13/2020 I will updating this post periodically over the course of the day! Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse (this is not just because of CoViD-19)! So for starters, I have to say that we bought (or buy on a regular basis) most of these things – in quantity whenever possible…

I  thought y’all might also find this interesting… “How CoViD 19 panic onset has impacted my website traffic…”

I thought y’all might also find this interesting… “How CoViD 19 panic onset has impacted my website traffic…”

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Instead of 10,000 to 20,000+ views a day… I am down to 6,000 to 8,000 views each day this week… I thought some of you might find this as interesting as I do… here’s to hoping things get better (for all the humans, in all the areas – but especially our health!) … and to…