MagnaTile Knockoff

MagnaTiles® brand magnetic building toy tested positive for trace levels of Arsenic, Mercury, and Cadmium in the metal rivets.

MagnaTiles® brand magnetic building toy tested positive for trace levels of Arsenic, Mercury, and Cadmium in the metal rivets.

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Published: December 27, 2021 – Monday (actually in the wee hours of December 28 – by the time we hit the “Publish” button!) Some background – OH THE DRAMA! So I have been wanting to tell this little story for quite some time, but frankly most days I don’t have the emotional energy to deal…

Discovery Kids 2017 DCL “MerchSource” Magnetic Tile Toys: 18 +/- 2 ppm Arsenic (in the metal hollow rivets.)

Discovery Kids 2017 DCL “MerchSource” Magnetic Tile Toys: 18 +/- 2 ppm Arsenic (in the metal hollow rivets.)

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Originally published: March 25, 2019 Updated: March 18, 2020 Discovery Toys MagnaTile® knockoffs When tested with an XRF instrument, the metal hollow rivets on these MerchSource MagnaTile® knockoffs (by Discovery Toys / DiscoveryKids) are positive for Arsenic. This is consistent with all magnetic tile toys of this nature that I have tested (all of the…