Here’s the story I’ve been waiting to tell.

Here’s the story I’ve been waiting to tell.

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  The IRS wanted to charge me $547,830.30 in taxes and fines for expenses related to running the nonprofit I founded, for my work helping families with lead poisoned children. In the end they adjusted the amount due to $0. [In fact I am awaiting a tax-refund!]     In 2017 we live in a “guilty until…

IRS Summary Letter From My Attorney, Leila

IRS Summary Letter From My Attorney, Leila

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This post is being provided as a link to the following post (here) for those who want to read directly from my tax attorney (Leila Vaughan) her summary of our recent interactions with the IRS.For those who have not yet read the previous linked post, these interactions relate to the false allegations that were brought…