Leaded Water Fountains

Map: Find the Lead-Tainted Water Fountains in NYC Schools

Map: Find the Lead-Tainted Water Fountains in NYC Schools

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Click the image below to read the full story! Published March 30, 2017 There are two easy ways you can support my advocacy work if you want to help: 1) Click on the suggested Amazon product links to the right (on this page) before you start your Amazon shopping! You don’t even have to buy any of…

#AskTamara: We found leaded plumbing in our newer home! What should we do?

#AskTamara: We found leaded plumbing in our newer home! What should we do?

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Originally Published June 18, 2014 Question from June 8, 2014 from Sarah (Via Facebook.) QUESTION: Dear Tamara, Hello! So update: we bought some lead testing kits and tested all of my daughters toys. Nothing came up BUT we randomly tested our water pipes and bingo! It looks like the solder is lead. Test came up positive…