China brands associated with “quality” aren’t necessarily safe. 2001 Lenox Butterfly Meadow pattern china: 63,700 ppm Lead.
Red Waechtersbach German Nesting Bowl: 107,500 ppm Lead + 20,600 ppm Cadmium. 90 ppm Lead (& up) is unsafe for kids.
Grace Fine China from Japan, “Concerto” pattern: 4,662 ppm Lead + 571 ppm Arsenic. 90 ppm Lead is unsafe.
Vintage Noritake “Golden Cove” pattern china from Japan: 301,400 ppm Lead on the food surface. 90 ppm is unsafe.
Unmarked, unbranded ceramic cup with floral pattern. 33,500 ppm Lead on the pink tulip of the design. 90 ppm is unsafe.
Franklin Mint Heirloom Collection dish warns “Not to be used for food consumption. Pigments used for color may be toxic.”
Sanyo Saucer, Japan – c. 1993. Lead-free food surface – common with china made in Japan for the Japanese market.
Vintage Hall’s Superior Quality Kitchenware bowl (Tested and approved by Mary Dunbar, Jewel Homemaker’s Institute). 9,100 ppm Lead. Click to see the bowl!
Harkerware Oven-Proof vintage orange rooster plate: 78,600 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe for kids) + 1,318 ppm Arsenic.
1999 Wedgwood white glazed Edme teacup (Made in England): 43,100 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.
1983 Avon Mother’s Day Dish: 9,750 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe) + 121 ppm Antimony (causes cancer in rats).
“Made in Portugal” Williams Sonoma dinner plate: 151,800 ppm Lead on the food surface. 90 ppm is unsafe for for kids!
Andrea fine bone china “Made In England”: 59,900 ppm Lead on food surface (90 is unsafe in items for kids.)
vds “Made in Portugal” glazed bowl (suspected of causing an Elevated Blood Lead Level [EBL] in owner): 63,700 ppm Lead.
Vintage cream ceramic Fiesta dish: 74,700 ppm Lead. That’s about 7.5% Lead! 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.
Vintage blue ceramic Fiesta dish: 108,300 ppm Lead. That’s about 11% Lead! 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.
Vintage orange ceramic Fiestaware-style salt shaker: 497,000 ppm Lead. Yes, about 50% Lead! 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.
Mikasa Maxima Sorrento pattern cup and saucer: 21,200 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe for kids) + 167 pm Cadmium.
Vintage Churchill “Made In England” Blue & White Ceramic Dish: 87,700 ppm Lead (90 ppm is unsafe for kids.)