June 2018

Fun Facts: Yesterday July 2019 moved in to  #LeadSafeMama’s 11th top month ever spot, and this morning it just popped up two notches into 9th place!

Fun Facts: Yesterday July 2019 moved in to #LeadSafeMama’s 11th top month ever spot, and this morning it just popped up two notches into 9th place!

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Click the image to see the graph full size! Thanks for being here everyone! We’re on a roll!!!! [Big time!] Thanks for sharing this information with people in your families and communities.  Tamara Rubin #LeadSafeMama

#LeadSafeMama Fun Facts: In June 2019 this site had more than FOUR TIMES as many views as it did in June 2018!

#LeadSafeMama Fun Facts: In June 2019 this site had more than FOUR TIMES as many views as it did in June 2018!

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More fun #LeadSafeMama stats! LeadSafeMama.com closed out June 2019 with 186,506 unique views from more than 56,000 people in more than 100 countries! [Our people and countries numbers are reporting artificially on the low-side for this month because of Google Analytics glitch from May 15 to June 15.] This compares to June 2018 which had…