
Lead Safe Mama 2021 Goals: Goal #1 – 20,000 page views each day!

Lead Safe Mama 2021 Goals: Goal #1 – 20,000 page views each day!

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Goal #1: 20,000 page views each day! February 14, 2021 – Sunday The work of Lead Safe Mama will be fully self-sustaining when we reach 20,000 page views each day here on the #LeadSafeMama blog. A goal for 2021 is to restore as much of our pre-pandemic trajectory as possible and to approach an average of…

2020 Goals: 12,102,470 unique page views for LeadSafeMama.com in 2020? How could that possibly happen?

2020 Goals: 12,102,470 unique page views for LeadSafeMama.com in 2020? How could that possibly happen?

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To see more End-Of-Year stats for LeadSafeMama.com for 2019, click here. It’s really important to set goals — sometimes focusing on reaching my goals is all I have to keep me going! For as long as I can remember (definitely since I finished college, in December of 1990, and possibly for years before then too)…

My “Top 11” #AdvocacyGoalsRevised

My “Top 11” #AdvocacyGoalsRevised

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I am really enjoying reading all of the other / alternate memes of 10 that have come up…(based on the “10-concerts” game floating around Facebook right now)… – Here’s my version: – Top 10+ #LeadPoisoningPrevention Advocacy Goals/ Dreams: – 1. Change the national legislation so ALL SCHOOLS for ANY CHILD or ADULT ANY AGE (including colleges and graduate…