Glass milk bottles from Oregon to Maine have Lead painted markings. This example from New Hampshire tested positive for 40,400 ppm Lead!!!
This piece links to all Lead Safe Mama milk bottle articles & I’m interested in testing more milk bottles, too!
Green glass Trader Giotto’s (Trader Joe’s) olive oil bottle: 117 +/- 37 ppm Lead — this is typical for green glass
See every Lead Safe Mama glass-bottle article linked here, including baby bottles, water bottles, amber, green & blue bottles, etc.
Voss Glass Water Bottle (c. 2018): Non-detect (negative) for Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, Antimony & Mercury!
ANOTHER Lead-painted glass baby bottle – 2018 Nuk: 19,900 ppm Lead, 90 is unsafe. Why is the CPSC ignoring this?
Tiny Brown Glass Sample Bottle of doTerra Balance Oil: 20 ppm Cadmium (considered safe by all standards.)
Boroux “lead-free” water bottle painted logo positive for: 2,235 ppm Lead, 140 ppm Cadmium, 301 ppm Arsenic.