We keep a vegan home & I haven’t cooked a turkey in more than two decades, but here is what I would use IF I were going to cook a turkey!
Rainbow Maker: 403,000 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe for kids. Do you have one at home? Click for Lead-free options.
#SaferChoices — Casserole dishes: “How do I choose a Lead-free casserole dish?” (Including FIVE Lead-free examples available today!)
Vintage (1960s/1970s) green glass Indiana Glass Kings Crown thumbprint design sorbet dish: Lead Free!
Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Glass Baby Bottle: Lead-free, but trace Cadmium found in the glass of the bottle & nipple
Vintage Clear Ball Brand Canning Jar: 46 ppm Lead + Cadmium. Please read this post for more information!
Blue Ball brand canning jar: 53 ppm Lead + 13 ppm Cadmium (safe by all standards.) I avoid the tinted jars.
Green Glass Water Bottle – Mountain Valley: 86 ppm Lead + 11 ppm Cadmium (in the glass, not the water.)