Christmas Decoration

#LeadFree: Decorative Christmas Tin (no Mark or Maker)

#LeadFree: Decorative Christmas Tin (no Mark or Maker)

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  The Christmas tin picture here was negative for Lead when tested with an XRF instrument. Note: The XRF instrument tests down to single-digit ppm accuracy. Items intended for use by children are considered toxic and unsafe for children at 90 ppm Lead or higher in the paint or coating, and at 100 ppm paint…

#Leaded: Glazed Ceramic Christmas Stocking Desk Decoration, by

#Leaded: Glazed Ceramic Christmas Stocking Desk Decoration, by

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  Ceramic stocking (desk top decoration) by Lead: 33,200 +/- 1,300 ppm Cadmium: 3,258 +/- 249 ppm* When I test an item like this and find a high Lead level on one color, I don’t bother testing each of the additional colors because “that’s enough!”  I am also pissed off, because this is yet…

#LeadSafeChristmas: Small Glittered Plastic Balls

#LeadSafeChristmas: Small Glittered Plastic Balls

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#Christmas2017 #LeadSafeChristmas – Plastic small ball ornaments. From Michael’s ND for As, Pb, Cd & Hg in the ball. Top: 89 ppm Pb. Here’s a lead-free Christmas decoration option on Amazon.* Thanks to Jennifer Curtis for donating and supporting my advocacy! Each donation helps make a new post possible! For #SaferChoices for your family, click…