Cease & Desist Letter

Letter from Primal Life Organics Attorney in text form

Letter from Primal Life Organics Attorney in text form

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Wednesday – June 22, 2022 We have at least one Lead Safe Mama regular reader who uses a text to speech software (like my son uses!) to assist with reading documents. As a result, whenever possible I try to include the text of documents that I share here in readable text format (in addition to…

As anticipated, Primal Life Organic’s legal team sent me a “cease and desist” letter. Here’s their letter and my response.

As anticipated, Primal Life Organic’s legal team sent me a “cease and desist” letter. Here’s their letter and my response.

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Monday – June 20, 2022, 10:26 p.m. If you click the image of the cover email (below) you can see the full Cease and Desist letter from this law firm (which I haven’t actually read yet.) – Have fun checking that out. If you have words you want to share with this law firm in…