Care Free Syracuse China

Vintage Syracuse plain white ceramic dish, “Carefree” Serene pattern: 30,600 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.

Vintage Syracuse plain white ceramic dish, “Carefree” Serene pattern: 30,600 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.

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When tested with an XRF instrument this simple white Serene pattern Carefree True China (Made in the USA by Syracuse) had the following reading: Lead: 30,600 ppm For context: the amount of Lead that is considered illegal and unsafe in a modern item made today and intended for use by children is anything 90 ppm…

Calypso “Carefree” saucer by Syracuse: > 100,000 ppm (10%) Lead. All Syracuse china seems to be high Lead.

Calypso “Carefree” saucer by Syracuse: > 100,000 ppm (10%) Lead. All Syracuse china seems to be high Lead.

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In my travels I often visit with people (either in their homes or they come to me) and test their things for lead.  I love the opportunity to meet with families in person and to give them tools to make their homes safer. If I find leaded dishes in their homes, I offer advice to…