Vintage Royal Doulton Bunnykins baby bowl with raft design: 93,600 ppm Lead (90 ppm & up is unsafe for kids) + 3,460 ppm ARSENIC!
Vintage Royal Doulton Bunnykins dishes are not safe for children to use. This dish tested positive for 80,000 ppm Lead and 1,916 ppm Arsenic (90 ppm Lead and up is unsafe by modern standards).
This 1976 Bunnykins baby plate contains 77,900 ppm Lead. This would be highly illegal if made for use by kids today.
1976 Bunnykins bowl: 59,000 ppm Lead (anything above 90 ppm Lead is illegal in items made today for children’s use)
This 1976 Bunnykins baby cup tested positive for 40,200 ppm Lead on food surface. This would be illegal if made for use by kids today.
c. 1967-1976 Royal Doulton Bunnykins Baby Bowl: 61,800 ppm Lead on the FOOD surface (90 is unsafe for kids)