August 2019 Stats

August 2019 is the second #BestMonthEver on with 208,449 unique views!

August 2019 is the second #BestMonthEver on with 208,449 unique views!

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Thanks again friends! Thank you for supporting my advocacy work to make this possible. Thank you for reading and sharing my posts. Thank you for using this work as a springboard to start important conversations with your friends and family about Lead, childhood Lead poisoning, and the importance of primary prevention in childhood Lead poisoning…

Check out the top ten cities with the most #LeadSafeMama readers in August 2019

Check out the top ten cities with the most #LeadSafeMama readers in August 2019

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I have New Idea Food, Better Homes and Gardens Australia, and the Australian TV News 7 to thank for this! Thanks so much everyone! I hope to visit y’all “down under” soon! Tamara Rubin #LeadSafeMama

August 2019 is now in 3rd place in the race for #BestMonthEver :-) on

August 2019 is now in 3rd place in the race for #BestMonthEver :-) on

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August 30, 2019 – Update (Friday afternoon)… It looks like August is definitely going to be closing out as #LeadSafeMama’s 2nd #BestMonthEver. To reach this goal, we just have to pass 202,720 views before the end of the month – and at the current rate of about 5,500 – 6,000 views a day, that will…