
How Important Is Lead Poisoning to Becoming a Legendary Artist?

How Important Is Lead Poisoning to Becoming a Legendary Artist?

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This article originally appeared in “The Atlantic” in November of 2013. “In 1713, Italian physician Bernardinus Ramazzini described in his De Morbis Artificum Diatriba a mysterious set of symptoms he was noticing among artists: ‘Of the many painters I have known, almost all I found unhealthy … If we search for the cause of the…

Amazon is selling lead paint, let’s complain!

Amazon is selling lead paint, let’s complain!

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In searching for leaded items on Amazon yesterday (things being intentionally sold and marketed as containing lead) I learned Amazon is selling lead paint (leaded artists paints, specifically!)  Please click through on this links (just click the images below) to these two products and help me change Amazon’s policies by submitting a review (that the…