Arm & Hammer

Is your kitty litter Leaded? If it’s Arm & Hammer Super Scoop Fragrance-Free Clumping Litter, it may be! 20 +/-  7 ppm Lead

Is your kitty litter Leaded? If it’s Arm & Hammer Super Scoop Fragrance-Free Clumping Litter, it may be! 20 +/- 7 ppm Lead

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I have linked images to the brand of kitty litter mentioned in this piece. My linking to them does NOT constitute a recommendation, but has been done so you can see the product “in the wild” on Amazon. I do NOT recommend buying this product under any circumstances. For those new to this website: Tamara Rubin…

#AskTamara: What detergent do you use to get rid of Lead dust in fabric items?

#AskTamara: What detergent do you use to get rid of Lead dust in fabric items?

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