XRF Test Results for Ahimsa Plain “Classic” Stainless Steel Dish Set for Children (Discount Code for the Lead Safe Mama Community!)
To get a “beneficial” amount of “Trace Minerals” found in some salts (Himalayan, Celtic, Real Salt, etc.), you’d need to eat a lethal amount of salt.
There’s a MYTH of “Beneficial Trace Minerals” found in mined (i.e. Himalayan) or gray unprocessed (i.e. Celtic) salts. Spoilers: It’s ALL GREENWASHING!
“My stainless steel pot has an ‘Aluminum core’… is that a problem? Isn’t Aluminum unhealthy to use for cooking?”
Final Numbers for November 2023, Best November Ever for Reach & Impact of the Work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC!
Lead Safe Mama YouTube Interview With Fern (on McDonald’s glassware), Published September 28, 2023 (video)
Clearance testing for Lead: What is clearance testing? What is a dust wipe sample? How do you collect and analyze a Lead dust sample?
Is your artificial Christmas tree safe? XRF test results for 2020 Home Depot artificial Christmas tree sample (& guidelines for choosing a safer tree)