Dollar Store plastic robot toy (in yellow), made in China: 113 +/- 31 ppm Lead (in the black legs), safe by all standards.
Dollar Store plastic robot toy (in red), made in China: 48 ppm Lead (in the black legs), safe by all standards.
Dollar Store plastic robot toy (in green), made in China: non-detect for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Arsenic & Antimony.
Artists Serving Artists red acrylic ruler (made in China) from Blick Art Materials: no metals detected at all! [Lead-free!]
California mug purchased at Oakland Airport in 2020: Free of Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury & Antimony! Woohoo!
Tamara’s gold tooth crown (c. 2010, replaced in 2016): non-detect for Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Antimony & Arsenic. Thank G-d!
Amethyst Tree: 122 ppm Lead and 28 ppm Arsenic, this is not a toy for babies & toxicants are just one reason why.