Marbles from Dollar Tree Store test positive for Lead, Arsenic, Antimony and Cadmium (using XRF technology)
“100% Natural” 2019 Eco-Wedge Crayons. Purple tested positive for trace levels of Arsenic. Other colors tested clean.
Vintage cream colored Sta-Kleen Slater electrical outlet (USA): 12 ppm Arsenic (but no Lead in the plastic!)
Handmade ceramic mug [markings: “G. Nikolaou”; “2000”] – 351,500 ppm Lead (this is an alarmingly high level of Lead)
Buckingham Palace Royal Birdsong English Fine Bone China: 11,900 ppm Lead. (We need to talk to the Queen about this!)
Blue-rimmed drinking glass: 152 +/- 48 ppm Lead (this is likely safe given the Lead is probably bound in the glass at this level)
Pier 1 (made in China) Martillo Creme Brulée ceramic mug: Lead-free (unusual for Pier 1 ceramic piece!)