Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 25,800 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.
Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 28,500 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.
Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 57,900 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.
Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 46,200 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.
Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 74,000 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.
Mexican tiles often have unsafe levels of Lead. Tile pictured: 49,100 ppm Lead. > 90 ppm is illegal in modern house paint.
#LeadSafeMama Fun Facts: In June 2019 this site had more than FOUR TIMES as many views as it did in June 2018!
‘Handmade’ does not always equal ‘safe’. Barrettes, bought at a 2018 Los Angeles craft fair: 36,600 ppm Lead. 90 is unsafe.