2017 Hydro Flask

2017 (?) Blue Hydro Flask

2017 (?) Blue Hydro Flask

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Newer (2017?) Hydro Flask. Tested in June of 2017. Lead Free! Newer Hydro Flasks (2017 and newer, based on what I have tested) seem to be consistently lead-free! In 2015/2016 Hydro Flask had offered to replace the older leaded products with a lead-free product, so it might be worth giving them a call to ask for…

A Tale of Two Hydro Flasks: Leaded & Not!

A Tale of Two Hydro Flasks: Leaded & Not!

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  Newer Green (Columbia) Hydro Flask: #LeadFree! Tested in August 2017 ~~~~~ Older Orange Hydro Flask (pre-2013), center sealing dot on bottom: 177,500 ppm Lead. Good job on getting the Lead out, Hydro Flask! For those new to this website: Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and…