Avi’s going to Hawaii! (& I’ll be there for a month too!)

Wednesday — July 10, 2024
Two images (above and below): A photo through a telescope and a close up of the photo.
On our recent trip to Los Angeles, a friend gifted a telescope to Avi. Avi took this photo today with the telescope! Thanks, Michael!
This week we got Avi’s financial aid award package for school — it includes about $25,000 a year in loans (gulp!) and the rest in scholarships. He’s going to school (it’s doubly official now that we have the funding and housing secured — including disability accommodations for his housing)!
He’ll be working toward a degree in Astrophysics at the University of Hawaii and doing Astrophotography in his free time, as always.
I have the “burden” (lol, jk) of taking him to school, making sure he gets settled, and ensuring all of his disability accommodations are working out.
I will be with him in Hawaii from August 5 to September 9! I’ve already tentatively scheduled three speaking engagements (on three different islands) for this time (everything is a work trip in the end)! Please let me know if you are in Hawaii and want to plan an outreach event or presentation with me.
If you live in Hawaii and want to attend one of these events, please subscribe to my newsletter (click the link in my bio and then click the blue subscribe button near the top of the website menu)… this will get you all the details for the events as soon as I share them (as soon as I confirm things)!
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Congratulations to Avi on his scholarships. I’m so glad you got disability accommodations sorted out for him. I just wanted to wish you both all the best as he gets settled into varsity life! I hope you enjoy Hawaii!
Thank you!