Final 2022 online engagement numbers for Lead Safe Mama’s website & social media.

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Tuesday – January 3, 2022

I am just going to quickly take a moment to publish the graphic I made (and shared on social media) the other day with the end-of-year engagement numbers for Lead Safe Mama, LLC. [It’s at the bottom of this post]. I wanted to get these numbers out [and to all of you who helped make this amazing year happen, THANK YOU!] now â€” since I don’t know how quickly I will be able to write the end-of-year highlights post-narrative that needs to accompany this graphic [the post gushing about all of the incredible stuff the Lead Safe Mama community accomplished in 2022!].

This week is already getting away from me, somehow (as I see that it is somehow already the wee hours of Tuesday morning, as I am writing this!), and I have a big weekend coming up!…

My “big boys” [my two adult sons] are coming home from Boston on Thursday for a couple of weeks(!) — and as the first leg of their current West Coast tour, will be performing several concerts here in Portland! [If you are not busy – and are curious about these wildly-popular  “Vaudeville Revival” celebrities (who just by chance happen to be my very own kids!), check out their Instagram page (link here). They have gigs almost every day or night they are here — and yours truly will be in attendance at all of them! We will be at “The 1905” on Friday for the boys’ 5:30 and 7:30 shows. I think this will be the first time all four of the brothers will officially be performing on stage as “The Rubin Brothers” in Portland, actually! If anyone wants to join us, please do – we hope to fill the house for both shows, and I will be there with the whole family for both shows, too!]

And so, here are the final numbers for 2022 – they are quite amazing, actually – especially if you compare them to the final numbers for 2021 (which can be seen in the second graphic below.)

Last December’s final numbers (for 2021)

More final numbers from 2022

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