A good Lead-free choice for the holidays: Glass Tea Pots

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November 13, 2022 – Sunday
Just in time for the holidays!

Thanks to the work and advocacy of all of you in the Lead Safe Mama community – Tea Bloom removed the Lead-painted logos from their glass tea pots. aflink https://amzn.to/3Etn2d7


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  1. Fantastic! Good job Tamara and all those who support and advocate your endeavor. Please, keep providing us with this important life and health protecting info. We really appreciate your work!

  2. Thank you for not backing down. Did they indeed take legal action like they has said?

    Did you do an updated test on the teabloom tea pots?

    P.s. I’m in Hawaii and want to thank you for all that you do and sharing information!

  3. I clicked on the link and I noticed a glass pot made with porcelain and with pink painted flowers. Do you by chance know if this has lead? Or is it just the logo they removed.
    Thanks for all you do!

  4. I love my tea pot, it is amazingly sturdy. I see they have a water bottle also and altho I would not use it for tea, I wonder if it will hold up as a water bottle. The ones that are made of that kind of glass have reviews of being fragile and breaking easily. The stainless steel ones have some kind of flexible straws that I’m not comfortable with, and some have measurements on the exterior that probably have lead. What to do, is there any really safe water bottles?

  5. Thank you for your suggestion and the time you take to answer questions, those look perfect and has cleared up the confusion.

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