XRF Test results for clear glass jar from Wild Ferments Kimchi (Pennsylvania): 30 ppm Lead, 12 ppm Cadmium, 20 ppm Antimony – safe by all standards.

August 4, 2022 – Thursday
XRF test results for the clear glass jar picture here.
Reading #1)
60-second reading on the bottom of the glass
- Lead (Pb): 23 +/- 8 ppm Lead
- Cadmium (Cd): non-detect
- Tin (Sn): 38 +/- 8 ppm
- Mercury (Hg): non-detect
- Selenium (Se): non-detect
- Barium (Ba): non-detect
- Arsenic (As): non-detect
- Chromium (Cr): non-detect
- Antimony (Sb): 20 +/- 10 ppm
- Zinc (Zn): 27 +/- 12 ppm
- Niobium (Nb): 210 +/- 16 ppm
- Indium (In): 13 +/- 6 ppm
- Iron (Fe): 626 +/- 110 ppm
- No other metals detected in consumer goods mode.
Reading #2)
60-second reading on the top curved edge of the glass
- Lead (Pb): 30 +/- 9 ppm Lead
- Cadmium (Cd): 12 +/- 5 ppm
- Tin (Sn): 24 +/- 8 ppm
- Mercury (Hg): non-detect
- Selenium (Se): non-detect
- Barium (Ba): non-detect
- Arsenic (As): non-detect
- Chromium (Cr): non-detect
- Antimony (Sb): non-detect
- Zinc (Zn): 39 +/- 13 ppm
- Niobium (Nb): 289 +/- 17 ppm
- Indium (In): 18 +/- 6 ppm
- Iron (Fe): 622 +/- 112 ppm
- No other metals detected in consumer goods mode.
For those new to this website:
Tamara Rubin is a Federal-award-winning independent advocate for consumer goods safety and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children. Tamara’s sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in August of 2005. She began testing consumer goods for toxicants in 2009 and was the parent-advocate responsible for finding Lead in the popular fidget spinner toys in 2017. Tamara uses XRF testing (a scientific method used by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission) to test consumer goods for toxicants (specifically heavy metals), including Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Antimony, and Arsenic. All test results reported on this website are science-based, accurate, and replicable. Items are tested multiple times, to confirm the test results for each component tested and reported on. Please click through to this link to learn more about the testing methodology used for the test results discussed and reported on this website
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Thanks so much for the test results!!!! Very happy to see that it’s safe as I have several more jars to consume.