June 20, 2022 email from Trina (owner, Primal Life Organics) indicating she doesn’t understand the math behind the Lead found in her product (& her public response to me sharing this.)

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And again I will leave you with the George Orwell quote that sums up the above exchange perfectly:
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That “I sent you false data to check your character” response is such an unflattering mirror on hers! WTF?
Why deliberately do the math backwards while screaming at you to take the correct math down? Why distribute ANY deliberately wrong information if you are trying to make the world better?
— Either the claim this was a deliberate character test for you is a lie AND she’s bad at math
— Or she really did that and it STILL means she is happy to deliberately misrepresent facts for her own purposes.
If she would just admit that in her panic she made an error on the math and now she’s going to follow up to verify levels and possibly change suppliers it would reflect so much better on Her character.
fwiw – BA Biochemistry + 11 1/2 years as a chemist (including QA officer) in a regulated environmental analytical laboratory. (and 25 years computer programmer – logic matters)
Thank you for your comment Annelise!
WOW; I can’t even. Clearly she messed up and is trying to cover her butt, yet she just makes herself look bad and dishonest.
I struggled with decimals in school but plug “ppm to ppb” into your search engine of choice and you get correct results. There is just no excuse, and frankly it’s scary that there’s people like this running a company and making products people put in their mouths! We need more accountability, STAT!