#EarthDay update #1: April 2022 is the #5thBestMonthEver @ LeadSafeMama.com !
April 22, 2022 – Friday
These numbers represent the number of people we (together) are reaching with this information (information for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety).
These numbers also represent the fact that we are back to pre-pandemic readership levels here at LeadSafeMama.com.
These numbers also represent the fact that we are more than 50% of the way towards the #LeadSafeMama sustainability goals – with the goal being to reach 600,000 page views each month.
At 600,000 page views each month the work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC will be fully covering the cost of the work we do here. This will make it possible for us to grow and expand the reach and impact of what we do! [More consumer goods testing + more outreach events = more people reached with ways to keep their families safe from unnecessary exposure to toxicants in their environment.]
I share these updates with you (Lead Safe Mama readers) each time we meet a milestone so that YOU know the impact YOU are helping to create in the world. So again thank YOU for your role in this movement!
As of this morning April of 2022 has more than 342,000 page views on LeadSafeMama.com. This means that we will likely close out the month of April with more than 400,000 page views for the month… 2/3 of the way to our long-term goal for the first time in more than two years!
This will put April 2022 in 4th place for #BestMonthEver at LeadSafeMama.com!!!
Scroll down to see all of the images / Stats updates

April 22 – 11:45 p.m. Update!

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