YOU can help us bring a LEAD SAFE MAMA outreach event (with free consumer goods testing!) to YOUR community!

February 8, 2022 – Tuesday
A new idea for October 2022!
If you are a long-time reader of, you know that this work has always been a collaborative effort with Lead Safe Mama readers! Given this unusual paradigm for running an advocacy -based / community collaborative business, we are bringing back a popular opportunity — a way you can help us bring a small community outreach event to YOUR city or town!
Here’s the plan – for October 2022
Instead of scheduling one-on-one home consultations with families around the country for the October 2022 Lead Safe Mama Cross Country Tour (for Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Month), this year we are planning on focusing our efforts on scheduling small community-focused testing events with local children’s museums and science museums (and possibly some art museums) as the hosts for these October events.
Wait – what happens at these events?
At these events, attendees are normally invited to bring two or three items to have tested (using XRF technology designed to test consumer goods) – for free [and sometimes, we also collaborate with local and national businesses and agencies (working in various areas of Lead-poisoning prevention) to have additional resources at the event]! I also normally spend time answering questions in person during these events, and they are generally quite a lot of fun, and very educational! Events are generally 2 to 4 hours — and folks can drop by for testing at any time during the event window.
How this will work:
- YOU decide you want us to come to your community for an event. [Let me know — E-mail me or text me, see below.]
- You put a refundable deposit down (of $200) to show your interest; to get your city on our preliminary tour calendar; and to give us some resources to move forward with scheduling this event [you tell us which museum(s) you would like to be the host for an event in your area].
- Tip: If you cannot personally afford the full $200 deposit to get your city on the Lead Safe Mama tour calendar, several friends could chip in together – or you could ask a local small business (like a medical practice, toy store, restaurant or childcare center) to contribute to help make that happen.
- We follow up with your suggested museum (s), describe the event to them, answer all of their questions and see if they want to join the tour – and host an event for Lead Poisoning Prevention Month in October of 2022.
- Your local children’s museum (or science museum) pays the Lead Safe Mama small community event fee ($2,500) to secure a date on our October 2022 schedule.
- Once we get a confirmation from them, you have two options:
- Option #1) we refund 100% of your $200 (which was basically put forward as earnest money to help us move forward with scheduling the event).
- Option #2) you can choose to let Lead Safe Mama, LLC keep your deposit — and we will give you a dedicated 1/2 hour of time before or after our event at your local museum for testing a box of your personal consumer goods that you bring from home! [Some one-on-one time with Tamara to ask any questions you like and get a bunch of things “speed-tested”!] Note: you could also do this with a couple of friends who chip in for the fee if you choose to go that route!
- What if a museum in my area does not confirm?
- If your local museum does not choose to schedule a Lead Safe Mama outreach event, we will refund your deposit – in full – on or before September 5th…
- If they let us know very early on that they won’t be able to participate… your refund will be processed on the 5th of the month following the month that they let us know they cannot do the event this year — so, for example – if they tell us “no can do” in March, your deposit will be refunded by April 5th.
- If your local museum does not choose to schedule a Lead Safe Mama outreach event, we will refund your deposit – in full – on or before September 5th…
Where the Lead Safe Mama Cross Country Tour will go in October 2022 depends on YOU!
In this way (discussed above), our readers will determine which museums / hosting organizations we focus on for this opportunity (and which cities we go to!) Hopefully, the contact person (you?) who helps add their city to our planning list might also have some time to volunteer to help get the word out about the event! [Not required, but we would love your help in making the event in your city successful!]
Please let me know if this opportunity sounds interesting to you (text me at 415-609-3182 or e-mail at
Thank you for considering supporting this advocacy work in this way!
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