Which component of this vintage suitcase tested positive for 16,400 ppm Lead? Guess correctly & you might win a prize! Please read full details on how to participate.
Posted: January 8, 2022 – Saturday
One of the components of this vintage suitcase tested positive for16,500 ppm Lead. Which one was it? Let’s play a game!
- Check out all of the pictures below.
- Comment here on this post with your guess – in the comments section on the website – not on social media.
- In your guess, describe the component as best you can… like “peach colored interior silk pockets on suitcase” and include the time, day, date and time-zone of your guess – like “Saturday – 1/8/22 – 6 p.m. PST”
- The first person to guess correctly will win a new #LeadFree Hydroflask – that I will buy for them (This one – aflink: https://amzn.to/3F92T9a)
- All guesses have to be submitted by 11:59 p.m. PST on Sunday January 9, 2022.
- Don’t forget to put your timestamp in your comment [That’s important!]
- Note: Your comment will NOT show up right away as it has to be approved, but I will do my best to approve all comments by the MIDNIGHT a minute after the deadline AND they will be approved in the order that they were submitted.
- After approving all of the comments, I will review them and find the ones with the correct guess and then figure out which one was made first… by the submission time/date stamp / approval order – and determine and announce a winner.
- Bonus: Just for fun… In your comment you can include the logic you used (and any science behind it) in determining which component tested positive for 16,400 ppm Lead.
Thanks for playing!
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I’m gonna go with the brass open and closing hinges on the bottom that look like little faces joined at the chins! Because 16000 ppm is 1.6% which is a common range for brass.
Currently 9:18pm NZ time, which is just after midnight west coast time.
The external metal components in the fourth photo? I’m thinking lead was used the because it may have thought to be more durable.
Commented Sun Jan 9, 1AM
The round “legs” that touch the floor when the suitcase is sitting upright. Shown in the 4th photo. 01-09-2022 at 1:31 am PST
My guess is going to be the label/tag, the one that says “E-Z Pak”. I’d further guess that the lead is in the paint. My guess is based on your previous work, finding lead in the paint of manufacturer’s markings.
I’m guessing on Sunday 9th January, at 11:48am in UTC +2 (Greece!).
I want to say the brand tag. I still have a luggage just like that. It was my grandfather’s.
My guess is: the green paint on the handle and edges.
I’m in Australia. 9th Jan, 9.30 PM Australian time.
EZ Pak luggage tag?
6:05am 1/9/21 east coast
Outside tan color. 6:13 am Sunday
I am going with the green vinyl plasticky border on the edges of the briefcase! Because lead can be used sometimes in old plastics to make them flexible. Sunday – 1/9/22 – 6:15 am. EST
I believe the peach colored interior pockets have a high lead content. Oftentimes, lead can be found in textiles because of the synthetic dyes used. Lead is used because it allows for a large range of colors that are more permanent, cheaper, faster and easier to produce than natural dyes. Sunday, January 9, 2022 @ 6:11 PST.
I’m guessing the fabric inside. It’s probably made from some type of nylon/polypropylene material. Probably from DuPont, who makes carpet now.
Forgot my timestamp – Sunday, January 9,2022 4:00 central time.
The “Presto Lock Corp” portion on the metal locking part
The green vinyl – sun jan 9, 11:30 am
I’m going with the less obvious one: the material that looks like leather and is dyed green and goes all the way around the case.
I’m going with the metal that holds the green handle down on each side.
Usa EST Jan 9 8:33 pm
I’m going to say the main, checked/tweed body.
My guess- the brass hinges at the bottom! They seem like tarnished brass. But I’m also going to add a second guess since someone already said the above. The second guess is the outer surface of the suitcase the black and gold woven pattern! At 11.14pm PST Sunday.
My first guess is the pink fabric inside and pockets. Based on the age it is probably acetate one of the first man made fabric. Lots of kemacles were used to make it.
Second guess is the glue that holds the lining in the interior.
1- 10-2022 3:30
Was the answer ever posted? Would love to know what it was. Thanks!
Where do we find the results?
I believe I shared them on social media – I will see if I can find that post…