Blue & White 2019 handmade Medina tile sent in by a reader from Canada: Lead-free on the decorative surface.
XRF Test results for the tile pictured
Reading #1) 70-second test on the blue area of decorated surface
- Lead (Pb): non-detect
- Cadmium (Cd): non-detect
- Mercury (Hg): non-detect
- Bromine (Br): non-detect
- Chromium (Cr): 397 +/- 135 ppm
- Manganese (Mn): 184 +/- 83 ppm
- Iron (Fe): 2,100 +/- 81 ppm
- Nickel (Ni): 54 +/- 30 ppm
- Copper (Cu): 63 +/- 13 ppm
- Zinc (Zn): 15 +/- 6 ppm
- Barium (Ba): 252 +/- 14 ppm
- No other metals detected consumer goods mode
Reading #2) 30-second reading on white area of decorated surface
Similar to readings on blue
- Manganese (Mn): 402 +/- 135 ppm
- Iron (Fe): 2,286 +/- 131 ppm
- Zinc (Zn): 19 +/- 9 ppm
- Barium (Ba): 231 +/- 22 ppm
- No other metals detected consumer goods mode.
Reading #3) Back side concrete of tile
60-second test
- Lead (Pb): 47 +/- 5 ppm
- Chromium (Cr): 513 +/- 116 ppm
- Manganese (Mn): 173 +/- 83 ppm
- Iron (Fe): 24,000 +/- 300 ppm
- Zinc (Zn): 140 +/- 10 ppm
- Barium (Ba): 2,044 +/- 32 ppm
- No other metals detected consumer goods mode
More information to be posted shortly.

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