File this under: “stuff I bought for my family” – cookie / candy jars to organize stuff! (including candy!)

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Tuesday – March 2, 2021 

This week I bought these for my 12 year old son Charlie (and for me too – I actually bought three sets). My son’s art desk is cluttered with so much stuff I thought these would be a fun way to organize and store some of the things he likes to glue together for art projects (google eyes, perler beads, etc). Also candy! 😉  Aflink:

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  1. So glad I found a Bormioli Rocco item on your site, do these test negative for lead? I use them as food containers, I own a lot of Bormioli Rocco glassware, mainly because they are affordable and readily available where I live. Your site is a wealth of knowledge, thank you for your perseverence.

  2. Hi Tamara, thank you so much for your tireless work to help consumers make informed decisions.
    I’d love to see the test results from Bormioli Rocco glass products. Their range also includes “lead free” crystal, would be good to see how true that is.

  3. Hi Tamara, do you know if the wire in the swing top Bormioli Rocco Fido jars is lead free? We use the large jars as food storage, thank you!

  4. Hello can you tell me about the crystal ball jars are they safe I use them for my kids lunch storage

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