New #TenMinutesWithTamara video! Testing for Lead in vinyl blinds in a newer construction home (c. 1980-2000).

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In this new ten minute video I show you how you can test your vinyl blinds for Lead yourself and what you need to do to clean up the mess (and get rid of the hazard) if you find Lead in your vinyl blinds! Please let me know if you have any questions. Here’s my Amazon affiliate link for LeadCheck swabs in case you have blinds you need to test.

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  1. Thanks for the informative video. I had assumed that everything in a relatively new house (90s onwards) would be lead free/lead safe. But clearly that’s not true. How disappointing!

  2. Thank you Tamara. The video is helpful. My husband actually bought these same swabs up the street in our local hardware store. Are these the same swabs you suggested I use to test our radiators for lead?

  3. Well….I sleep right next to my blinds in my rented apartment…I guess I’ll be sleeping outside in a garbage bag for a bit until I find out if my blinds are vintage or not.

  4. I am also curious about the vinyl faux wood blinds. I have gotten ambiguous lead swab test results and we have these in our home. The blinds date from 2005 and 2015, 2016. All are Home Depot and say made in China but I have no other information since they were installed by the previous homeowner.

    Thank you.

  5. Thank you! I will buy the testing kit because I have vinyl blind as well… from many years back I am afraid… I like that your video shows us how to deal with the problem.

  6. Hi!

    Have you ever checked Closet Maid vinyl wire shelves?? Our home was built in 2010 and they are in all of our closets. I checked one with several lead test swabs and there appears to be some pink on on the vinyl.

    Thank you so much Tamera,

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